Governors help to make school policy, they must meet at least once a term and may serve for a four year period. Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities, they can only act together, they cannot act as individuals.
Our Governors
Mrs Lisa Curtis
Local Authority Governor and Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor
Date of Appointment: November 2020
Attendance Record 2020-2021: 5/5 meetings
Attendance Record: 2021-2022: 3/3 meetings
Attendance Record: 2022-2023: 4/4 meetings
I am a parent to two boys and both have attended Titchmarsh Primary having been drawn to the school for its nurturing Ethos and the whole school community feel it brings.
Having spent 12 years as a police officer based in community roles, I know the value of building positive relationships with partner agencies. Since leaving the police in 2018 I have worked predominantly in roles that deal with significant safeguarding concerns. These have been within a school setting and more recently working with Young people to address their offending behaviour.
All of my roles have given me broad knowledge and experience in child protection and Safeguarding legislations and have allowed me to support some of the County's most vulnerable young people. I strive to achieve positive outcomes for young people and hope I can continue to support the school in achieving this too.
Lisa Curtis
Mr Ed Carlyle
Executive Headteacher
Member of Resources Committee with voting rights
Date of appointment: January 2017
Term of office: On going
Governance roles in other educational institutions:
Executive Headteacher at Warmington and Nassington Schools
Attendance record: 2016-2017: 4/6 meetings
Attendance record: 2017-2018: 4/4 meetings
Attendance Record 2018-2019: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2019-2020: 5/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2020-2021: 5/6 meetings
Attendance Record: 2021-2022: 3/3 meetings
Attendance Record: 2022-2023: 4/4 meetings
My name is Ed Carlyle and I am proud to be the Executive Headteacher of Titchmarsh Primary School, Warmington School and Nassington School. I have been teaching for over 30 years with 17 years experience in senior leadership positions and can rightly say that Titchmarsh Primary School is a wonderful, happy and inspiring environment for children to learn and thrive in. I very much enjoy working with everyone in the school community and would like to welcome you to come and visit us.
Away from school, I enjoy reading, baking, travelling and tennis!
Miss Gill Griffiths
Staff Governor/Head of School
Mr Carl Skerritt
Co-opted Governor, Maths Link Governor
Date of appointment: November 2009
Term of office: 4 years
Relationship to members of the school: Married to School Bursar
Attendance Record 2015-2016: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2016-2017: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2017-2018: 4/4 meetings
Attendance Record 2018-2019: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2019-2020: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record 2020-2021: 6/6 meetings
Attendance Record: 2021-2022: 3/3 meetings
Attendance Record: 2022-2023: 4/4 meetings
My name is Carl Skerritt. I became a Parent Governor in October 2008 and a member of the Resources Committee with responsibilty for Maths. I hold a management position within Information Technology for a major utility company. When choosing a school we immediately liked Titchmarsh Primary school for its great reputation, friendliness, small size and values.
I became a governor to help support, and be involved with the school to help ensure that the excellent work already achieved is maintained and the school continues to thrive; providing a great environment for the children to learn and develop important skills and values for their future.
Carl Skerritt
Mrs Kerry Trembecki
Co-opted Governor/Vice-Chair of Governors, English Link Governor
Date of Appointment: June 2023
I’m mum to 2 children who attend Titchmarsh Primary and I became a Co-opted governor in September 2023.
It's my first time as a governor & it's been a privilege to be working with the children, staff and governors this year. It is definitely an eye opener to see the school operating from a different perspective.
My aim is to help Students and Staff improve their educational experience in any way possible.
Mrs Sarah Fortescue
Foundation Governor, RE Link Governor
Date of Appointment: April 2023
Attendance Record: 2022-2023: 2/2 meetings
Details to follow
Mr Tony Cooper
Foundation Governor, RE Link Governor
Date of Appointment: June 2024
Attendance Record: 2023-2024: 1/1 meetings
Also a Governor at Nassington School
Sajda Andleeb
Clerk to the Governing Body
Mr Wil Sainsbury
Parent Governor,
Date of Appointment: October 2024
Mrs Abigail Smart
Parent Governor, SEN Link Governor
Date of Appointment: October 2024
Mrs Robbi Mitchell
Parent Governor, EYFS Link Governor
Date of Appointment: October 2024