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School Lane, Titchmarsh Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 3DR

Our Staff - 2024 - 2025

Unity Senior Leadership Team Role
Mr Ed Carlyle Executive Headteacher
Miss Gill Griffiths Head of School, Titchmarsh CE Primary School
Miss Mikayla Aldous Head of School, Warmington School (maternity leave)
Mrs Alexa Campbell Head of School, Nassington School
Mrs Zoe Jones SENDCo, Warmington School
Mrs Lucy Toyne RE Lead, Titchmarsh CE Primary School
Mrs Sharon Mwaramba Acting Head of School, Warmington School
Staff NameRole in School
Mr Ed Carlyle Executive Headteacher
Miss Gill Griffiths Head of School & Tawny Owls (Years 3 and 4) Class Teacher, SENDCo 
Mrs Sophie Gerrard Owlets (Reception) Class Teacher
Mrs Becky Parsons Barn Owls (Years 1 and 2) Class Teacher
Miss Zoe Mitchell Eagle Owls (Years 5 and  6) Class Teacher  
Mrs Lucy Toyne  ClassTeacher and RE Lead (0.4)
Mrs Vicki Bass SEN Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tina Cheatley SEN Teaching Assistant
Ms Alison Forscutt Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sarah Masson Teaching Assistant/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Lynn Mitchell Teaching Assistant / HLTA 
Mrs Lyn McClean Teaching Assistant / HLTA
Ms Lucy Wilde Teaching Assistant/Drawing and Talking
Mrs Melanie Skerritt School Bursar
Mrs Christina Shepperson PE Sports Specialist
Madame Nathalie Kernick Specialist French Teacher
Mrs Vicki Bass Breakfast Club 
Ms Alison Forscutt Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Lyn McClean Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Sarah Masson Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Bernie Miller Lunchtime Supervisor
Ms Lucy Wilde Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs Tina Cheatley Breakfast Club Assistant/After School Club Supervisor
Mrs Jane Langley After School Club Assistant